Gillespie Academy is a one year post-secondary program designed to prepare students for university, future employment, or the building of a Christian home. Grounded in the Reformed Christian Faith, the courses provide essential tools to meet the practical and philosophical challenges of secular university and adult life. Students will gain skills in research, communication, and critical thinking, as well as grow in their understanding and ability to proclaim and defend the Christian Faith.
What makes Gillespie Academy distinct from other foundational study programs is it’s emphasis on a biblical understanding of the nature and purpose of education itself. Rather than adopting the secular view, which maintains that education is simply a means for obtaining a better career, Gillespie Academy views the goal of education as the knowledge of God. Students will learn to see that from the One True and Living God comes the diversity of the created universe and this diversity, rightly understood, points back to the One who created it.
If you desire to take one year to prepare yourself for future service in God’s Kingdom, look through the program courses and prayerfully consider attending Gillespie Academy.