Old Testament Survey by Rev. S. Wilkinson
Credit Hours: 3
This course is designed to give the student a comprehensive and practical understanding of the Old Testament. The lectures and reading provide an introduction to the authorship, time of writing, and style of language used in each book, and the purpose and content of each book will be examined in order to put the student in the place of the first readers. From this perspective, the student can further grasp what God is saying to us today as He continues to address us through these same scriptures.
New Testament Survey by Rev. J. Kingswood
Credit Hours: 3
This course is designed to enable the student to understand the history and cultural setting of the New Testament by means of lecture, discussion, research and journal keeping. Students will be taught to understand and articulate the continuity between Old and New Testament and its covenantal basis. By the end of the course, the student will be able to identify the major theological issues addressed in the New Testament and link them to specific books.
Introduction to Systematic Theology I & II by Rev. B. Murray
Credit Hours: Each section is worth 3
These courses are aimed at providing the student with a firm grasp of the biblical theology recaptured at the time of the Reformation by means of reading, lectures and memorization. The basis for study will be the Westminster Standards with reference to other venerable expressions of Reformed theology. Semester 1 will cover chapters 1-18 of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Semester 2 will complete the Confession focusing on chapters 19-33.
Practical Ethics by Rev. B. Murray
Credit Hours: 2
As Christians, we believe that God’s Law as codified in the Bible and summarized in the Ten Commandments is eternal and unchanging. It is the God-given standard by which we must continually assess everything that goes on around us. Sadly, our modern world seeks to reverse this process and subject the law of God to the standards of our culture. This course will examine the proper relationship between God’s law and society and help the student to critically assess everything through the lens of God’s law. These goals will be achieved through means of class lecture and class readings and most prominently, through classroom discussion of cultural expressions coming from a variety of media types.
History of Western Thought I & II by Mr. Martien Vanderspek
Credit Hours: Each section is worth 3
This two-semester course examines the history of the Church and worldly Civilization from the Old Testament days until now, with a primary focus on the last two millennium in the Western world with an eye on reform movements, especially within the Church. We will consider the ideas, beliefs, and practices that form the foundation of the Church and the worldly Civilizations, and seek to answer the question, posed by Tertullian, ‘What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?’ The course is intended to teach students to discern the differences, often subtle and complex, between a worldview grounded in biblical truth and ones based on human invention.
Academic Strategies by Rev. B. Murray
Credit Hours: 1
The objective of this course is to equip students with the proper perspective and the practical tips needed to succeed in the world of academics. Lectures will touch on topics such as the philosophy of education, plagiarism, time management, tips for writing research papers, etc. This course is designed to improve the way one views, prepares for and performs in the academic environment.
Oral Communication by Rev. J. Kingswood
Credit Hours: 1
This class is designed to equip students to articulate themselves with intelligibility and confidence. The use of classical rhetorical devices and logic will be emphasized. Wherever possible topics being dealt with in other courses will be used to practice the principles of clarity in oral presentation. The development of clarity in voice and speech, as well as thought, will be the goal. Short topical presentations will be required.
Logic by Rev. B. Murray
Credit Hours: 2
One of the primary realities that separates human beings from every other part of the created order is that God has made mankind reasonable beings. Simply put, we have been given the ability to think. However, just because we have been given this ability doesn’t mean that we as human beings do this well. Like every other faculty that the Lord has given us, our reasoning abilities can and must be improved. Logic is simply defined as the art of using reason. Therefore, our goal in this class is to better understand what thinking is and then look at ways that we can think more clearly and precisely.
Apologetics by Rev. S. Wilkinson
Credit Hours: 2
The purpose of this course is to give practical help in declaring our faith to various persons in different situations. The student will increase his understanding of the Christian faith in contrast to other worldviews and religions and will develop his ability to present and proclaim Christ, by means of lectures, readings, mock debates, and presentations.
Christianity in the Modern World by Rev. B. Murray
Credit Hours: 2
This course will seek to trace the basic intellectual history stemming from the Enlightenment with specific emphasis on how this period of our history has impacted the modern church. Issues to be examined include Classical Liberalism, Neo Orthodoxy, Legalism, Antinomianism, and Pietism. Students will learn to identify these ideas and their consequences within the church, and will be equipped to respond to these issues Biblically.